[Why Does V7 Leadership Exist?]
In a nutshell, I've come to believe that leadership is among the most powerful forces known to us.
When it's used well, it enables people to flourish. When it's not used well, it can be absolutely devastating.
So, I decided to become the change I wished to see in the world, as the saying goes.
I dove in head first, and over time I built out a really useful process and an equally useful set of tools that helped me become a better and better leader.
It dawned on me that I get a lot of joy from leading people, but also from helping people become better leaders.
Given that, I decided to launch V7 Leadership in parallel with my career in financial technology.
So, I'm not just a coach - I'm a guy who is actively leading teams every day. My strategies and tactics are current, battle-tested, and highly effective.
When I'm not working on my business, I'm usually taking a class or two, playing football in an outdoor two-hand-touch league, playing golf, or spending time with my absolutely wonderful family!
and win well.
Get more out of
yourself and
your team.
Sharpen the skills that
pay for themselves
over and again.